#10HDA#alternative medicine honey#apitherapy#honey bees#New Zealand#queen bee#royal jelly
6 Things You Never Knew About Royal Jelly

2018 has been a big year for royal fever with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s real life fairytale. But did you know that you don’t actually have to marry a prince to become royalty? In fact, becoming your own Queen Been as simple as enjoying some honey.
Royal Jelly is a honey bee secretion that is used in its natural form in the hive and added to other products for human consumption. Yet whether it is used by honey bees or people, the benefits are equally surprising.
Here are six things you may not know about Royal Jelly:
- Royal Jelly Decides The New Queen
We all know that bees have their own monarch, but rather than finding their new Queen at university or on TV like William and Harry did, bees use Royal Jelly to start the development from worker to royalty. Essentially, when the current Queen starts to weaken or passes on, the juvenile worker bees eat royal jelly in specialty constructed cells. The strongest becomes eventually becomes the Queen.
- Royal Jelly Makes You Feel Your Best
Feeling like the Queen of your own life involves ensuring you have a healthy immune system. Royal Jelly is a dietary supplement in the apitherapy field of alternative medicine. Just like other bee-based products such as pollen and venom, Royal Jelly has human health benefits such as a possible counter to allergic reactions and probiotic booster. From a 2001 study published in International Immunopharmacology, Royal Jelly can help with gastrointestinal tracts, aid in easing menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms, as well has improve the short term memory in Alzheimer’s patients.
- Royal Jelly Makes You Look Your Best
Korean Face Masks are all the rage right now, purifying skin with new technologies. Many of these fun and dewy masks boast honey as the main active ingredient. This is because of research from the Department of East-West Medical Science at Kyung Hee University in South Korea that found the Procollagen Type I protein found in Royal Jelly to increase the collagen production and decrease the aging process.
- Royal Jelly Can Help You Get A Prince Or Princess Of Your Own
As Royal Jelly exists as a nourishment for the Queen Bee, a similar principle extends to parents-to-be. For couples having trouble conceiving, upping the amount of Royal Jelly in your diet is recommended as it will create the hormone balance that is needed to successfully and naturally fall pregnant. Royal Jelly also promotes overall vitality and has been found to help men’s reproductive health as well.
- Royal Jelly Comes In Capsule Form
If you’re wanting to introduce the benefits of Royal Jelly into your body and life, capsules are an efficient way to ensure you don’t miss a day. With capsules, you are able to choose a specific dosage that will prompt the results you are after and can’t use the chaos of a busy life as an excuse not to take care of your health the natural way.
- Royal Jelly Is Better In New Zealand
The natural beauty of New Zealand is not just great to look at. The environment is supporting a healthy ecosystem which includes healthy hives that are vital to the honey bee population. New Zealand Royal Jelly has the highest levels of 10HDA at 3.1% which essentially means that if you’re going to use it, you may as well use the best and go with the Kiwi royalty. 10HDA will destroy bacteria and is the active ingredient that books the overall immune system, making Royal Jelly an investment fit for a King.
SEO KEY WORDS: Royal Jelly, Royal Jelly New Zealand, 10HDA, honey bees new zealand, apitherapy, alternative medicine honey, queen bee.