We are committed to do better.
To our honey company, where sustainability is a top priority! We understand that sustainability is not about perfection but rather continual improvement. That’s why we are always striving to make a positive impact on the environment through every touchpoint of our brand. Starting with our beekeeping practices, we carefully select hive placements and practice sustainable hive management. But we don’t stop there, we want to go further! That’s why we also prioritize reducing waste in our packaging and making sustainable choices every step of the way. We’re committed to making a difference beyond our own practices too! Our donations to trees for Bees and our efforts in regenerating Manuka native forests have already resulted in the planting of 10,000 plants to date. Join us in our mission to make the world a happier, healthier place - one jar of honey at a time!
Our practices

local recycling
It’s not perfect, here in New Zealand or internationally. However, all of our carboard boxes, jars and lids are able to be recycled via curbside recycling.
manuka regeneration
We plant 1000s of manuka seedlings annually to regenerate the land and ensure manuka harvesting is sustainable for the future.
no by product goes unused
If you didn't already know, we use all the by-prodcuts from bee keeping on our wellbeing range. No product goes unwasted and is either kept and fed back to the bees or used to help provide the same benefits bees use in their hive enivornment,
sustainable beekeeping
Our team are focused on ensuring we use ethical beekeeping practices.