Bee Aware Month 2021
Celebrating Bee Aware at Happy Valley
What is bee aware month?
Bee Aware month has been running in New Zealand every September for over 12 years now! Bee Aware month aims to bring awareness around bee’s: their importance and how we can help them.
This year is all about learning some basic things everyone can do to help improve bee health. Encouraging Kiwis to plant more trees for bees, to use garden sprays safely or not at all.
What we are doing:
This Bee Aware month at Happy Valley we want to help share the knowledge of bees, so we are sharing a whole load of content.
Honey is a natural product created by the joining of nature and it's environment, making the land and bees our most precious resource. With 50+ year in the industry bee’s are our passion every day, we still go out on a limb to pursue happiness, in the form of real mānuka honey honey and hive based well-being products — the best New Zealand has to offer.
We also want to celebrate just how amazing our bees are, so throughout the month we will be doing giveaways on our social media pages. Anyone who shares, mentions, or uses the tag #honeyforyourhive will receive a 10% discount on our products, plus go in the draw to win $250 worth of Happy Valley products for their hive.
What’s included in Bee Aware Package: