#bites#dermatitis#eczema#insect bites#itchy#itchy bites#psoriasis#rash#remedies#skin health
Happy Valley’s Itch Solvers

Skin problems are always difficult to deal with, whether it’s that constant itch, stinging in pools in summertime, or just the annoyance of having a constant rash on your skin, Happy Valley is here to help.
In my experience, I had almost tried everything to get my Eczema to subside. Always leaning towards doctors treatments as prescribed, but no one ever reminds you that the natural stuff is always better!
Happy Valley provides natural remedies when you need them most!
Helping Itchy Eczema with Happy Valley
The healing property of honey and manuka oil is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition; it helps to provide a protective antibacterial barrier to prevent infection and spreading of bacteria.
- The bacteria fighting properties are crucial to combat staph and other topical infections eczema patients are so very prone to.
- Honey maintains moisture, something we definitely need to combat the dryness, flaking and scaling.
- The skin barrier is known to be much weaker in those with eczema, so we definitely need this extra barrier protection.
- Wound healing? Yes, please! This is an absolute must for anyone with eczema – broken skin from scratching, dry, cracked skin, and red, open, oozing sores can all use a bit of healing.
We recommend trying:
Happy Valley’s Skin Health Crème : With UMF 15+ Manuka Honey and healing Propolis. Smear lovingly on affected areas, or areas that need moisturising, day and night.
Manuka and Sweet Almond Oil : Rub on affected areas to hydrate and stop any bad bacteria from spreading.
UMF Manuka Honey : Can be taken orally or put on affected areas then bandaged.
Dermatitis and Psoriasis
Manuka Honey contains exceptionally powerful healing properties. It not only heals damaged skin in extremely severe cases of Eczema, Dermatitis and Psoriasis, but it also has the ability to regenerate new skin growth. In addition, Manuka Honey also has strong antibacterial properties which helps prevents infection when the protective skin barrier is destroyed.
We recommend trying:
Mask made with Bees wax, Manuka Honey and Extra Virgin Olive oil: Rub mix on affected areas 3 times daily.
Happy Valley’s Skin Health Crème: Smear lovingly on affected areas, or areas that need moisturising, day and night.
Manuka and Sweet Almond Oil: Rub on affected areas to hydrate and stop any bacteria from spreading further, as well as helping to combat infections.
Bee Pollen and Propolis Dietary Mix: Intake the recommended amount of both these products into your diet.
- Bee pollen contains all of the vital elements to reproduce its specific species; this includes all necessary minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and RNA and DNA.
- Propolis has antiviral, antitoxic and antibacterialeffect, which is great for removing excess bacteria that cause infections on your skin. As well as helping your immune system to fight off potential infections.
Itchy Bites and Insect Bites
Help get rid of the nasty itchiness with the recommended below! These products help to destroy bacteria that cause your skin to swell and itch like crazy!
Manuka and Sweet Almond Oil: Rub on affected areas to hydrate and stop any bacteria from spreading further, as well as helping to combat infections.
Happy Valley’s Skin Health Crème: Smear lovingly on affected areas, or areas that need moisturising, day and night.
UMF Manuka Honey : Can be taken orally or put on affected areas then bandaged