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Honey throughout History

A blog for all you history buffs: Honey throughout History!
Honey has been used by us since the beginning of time, spanning throughout history. Many civilisations used honey for various different reasons:
Ancient Egyptians
Ancient Egyptians used honey to sweeten their food and drinks. They also used it to bake honey cakes, which were usually given as offerings.
Honey was so significant to the Ancient Egyptians that it was sometimes used as currency and to pay taxes.
The Egyptians practised beekeeping, and they depicted this in their pyramid hieroglyphs. Pots of honey were also discovered in the pyramids of Egypt, and despite being thousands of years old they are still edible!
Ancient Greece
In ancient Greece, honey was used to craft mead, a fermented honey beverage. As well as using it for its delicious flavour, they discovered the healing powers of honey.
It was believed by many philosophers that by eating honey it would preserve one’s health and energy. Additionally, it was claimed by Hippocrates that honey would clean and heal wounds.
Māori People
Years ago, as honeybees weren’t yet bought into New Zealand, the Māori people used the Mānuka tree (branches, leaves and bark) to help heal and fight infections. The tree holds antibacterial properties, similar to the honey, hence why Mānuka Essential Oil is considered to be so good for you.
They applied ointment made from the tree to wounds, cuts, and sores. Therefore, even though honey wasn’t around at this time, the Mānuka tree’s power was well known by the Māori people.
Despite being used for many years, honey is still being heavily researched due to its unusual healing abilities. Just as throughout history, honey still has numerous usage occasions and benefits.
Learn more about honey throughout history at:
- The Sacred Bee: Ancient Egypt
- Honey in history: Ancient Greece
- The history of Mānuka