Let’s Talk Taster Honey’s

Tasting Honey Guide:
Taster meaning generally used for cooking, baking and taste profile, but they do include some great health benefits too! Also they are great for replacing sugar with natural sugar for your kids.
Check out below some yummy honeys with some even better benefits!
Rewarewa Honey
Rewarewa (Knightsia Excelsa) is our indigenous Honey Suckle tree gives an outstanding honey rich in taste, antibiotic properties and anti-oxidants.
Rewarewa grows in groves in well-lit parts of our forest, and stands above the forest shrubbery as a fine tree of up to 30 metres in height. The flowers are clustered together on stalks with about 50-80 flowers in each cluster. The flower is designed for pollination by birds such as Tui and bellbird, so it gives a bounty of nectar which our bees find to make this delicious honey.
Rewarewa honey is known to have the highest hydrogen peroxide activity of any honey which helps in healing and fighting bacteria. It is also high in anti-oxidant for helping the body avoid cancer, and like all honeys, it is great for energy and general health-giving.
The inner bark of the tree was used for bandaging over wounds to help bleeding and benefit in healing.
Use our Rewarewa honey in loving spoonfuls by itself, marinates, on fresh fruit or toast.
Tawari Honey
Tawari honey is also good for you, giving you instant natural energy, and enhancing general health. It has anti-biotic activity that is peroxide- based, and as a light honey, it better suits the taste and skin of some people, for treatment purposes.
Tawari honey is a light honey, not too sweet on the palate, and silky smooth in texture. It comes with hints of butterscotch flavour.
Use our Tawari honey to complement soft or full-bodied cheeses, on raw fruits, for topping ice-cream or pancakes, or for culinary delight in your desserts.
Kamahi Honey
Kamahi is a common native tree with stunning white bottle-brush flowers grown on the rugged west coast of the Southern Alps in New Zealand. A favourite with chefs, Kamahi honey is a light amber colour with a rich, complex full-bodied taste.
It contains high amounts of minerals and trace elements for maximum health benefits.
Kamahi Honey is one of nature's super-foods. A complex supply of raw, unprocessed nutrients, Kamahi Honey is a single source of energy and immune support properties for health and wellness.
Use our Kamahi honey in gourmet dishes, baking or on toast or mix it in with your tea.
Clover Honey
Clover flowers are an important seed source for new pastures, and also provide nectar for honeybees. Creamy white-clover honey is popular in New Zealand, mostly picked from white Clover flowers in pastures and fields.
It is antibacterial and thick which helps cure the wound. Clover honey helps prevent the growth of bacteria. It has low water content and acidic pH. The presence of potassium, iron, copper and vitamin c speeds up the healing process. It also helps to treat antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Use our Clover honey on toast, cheese boards, in baking or in smoothies or drinks.
Borage Honey
Borage is sourced from wide open river valleys in the lower South Island. The honey is a light colour, a little floral on the nose. The flavour of the honey is clean, mildly herbal with lemon and floral characteristics.
Borage honey is very rich in antioxidants, it is very beneficial for soothing colds and flu’s, sore throats, helping the skin and hair grow stronger and healthier.
Borage honey is also thought to be excellent for arthritis and other inflammatory diseases as the antioxidants are also going to lower inflammations dramatically in your body.
Use our Borage Honey by the spoonfuls, or on toast or in some delicious marinates or baking recipes!
Tag us on Instagram with your recipes and photos! We’d love to see them and possibly send you some samples to try of ours!